
The Secret To The Staffing Business Is Support

Jul 31, 2020

The staffing business, and especially healthcare staffing, relies on people to support the efforts of hospitals and other medical facilities. Each staffing business supplies nurses and other healthcare associates to fill in staffing gaps and help ensure patients are well cared for.

When you run a staffing business with ATC Healthcare, you’ll help healthcare facilities in your community, healthcare associates who are looking for temporary positions and steady paychecks, and yourself through business ownership. And it all includes complete support from ATC Healthcare, the leaders in the healthcare staffing business.

What Your Staffing Business Will Do

Your ATC Healthcare staffing franchise will recruit quality healthcare associates throughout your community and place them in the temporary positions they’ve been seeking. This process requires building relationships with those healthcare associates as well as communicating with administrators and other decision makers at healthcare facilities.

At its core, the healthcare staffing business is about understanding the needs of your clients and the desires of your healthcare associates to be able to connect them to each other in the most productive ways possible. And ATC Healthcare is here to help make that process even easier with comprehensive back office support.

What Back-Office Support Means for Your Staffing Business

Every ATC Healthcare franchise partner receives assistance from our corporate offices for payroll — so all of your healthcare associates receive timely paychecks — as well as billing, collections, IT, HR, and much more. You also receive ongoing communication with our entire team to answer any questions that may arise.

That strong support is more important than ever for healthcare staffing franchises. As healthcare facilities require more staffing to help patients, our franchise partners will need to spend more time securing positions for their healthcare associates. That means focusing on building relationships and less time on chasing down bills and pushing paperwork.

Why ATC Healthcare Offers Back-Office Support

We’ve learned throughout our time in the staffing business that the more we can help our franchise partners build their businesses, the more they’ll be able to help their clients who in turn help patients. It’s all part of a complete cycle that makes the healthcare staffing business function.

At ATC Healthcare, we believe in doing our part to help patients get the highest quality care, and that means making sure our franchise partners can remain focused on staffing solutions instead of paperwork.

When you become an ATC Healthcare franchise partner, your staffing business will be our top priority and we’ll help you every step of the way. That industry-leading support is one of the many reasons that ATC Healthcare is one of the leading staffing franchises in the country.

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