

Apr 24, 2020

We are moving through the COVID-19 pandemic together as a nation and as a planet. This pandemic will be written about in history books. It will be a story of survival, ingenuity, and heroism. Forefront in how history will tell this story will be the way the healthcare community pulled together, made do with what it had to work with, and how COVID-19 was defeated. We don’t know how we will get there yet, but we will succeed in large part because of healthcare workers just like you. Every day since COVID-19 became known as a significant viral threat, doctors, nurses, aides, technicians, therapists, environmental service workers and every other member of the healthcare team has saved lives by making healthcare possible by showing up and solving problems. We have heard your stories and concerns. The anxiety is real. We want to prepare you as best we can and have taken steps to make sure you have reliable information. We developed a website for you that has COVID-19 information. You can find it on the company website, click here. We have made efforts to protect you while you are at work. Our contracts make clear that client facilities with whom we contract have responsibilities to make available to ATC employees all of the necessary Personal Protective Equipment

(PPE) required for the conditions at the worksite in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations and CDC guidelines. We care about you. Should you sustain exposure to COVID-19 through work for ATC, there is a nurse work injury triage line available 24/7 at 855-310-6628, workers compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance. We have also partnered with DirectPath, which provides a helpline for general COVID-19 information. They can be reached at 888- 613-0231 (not a work injury line). Self-care is important in times of stress. It’s hard to care for others when we are not well ourselves. Experts suggest the following strategies can help:

1: Take Care of Yourself: Take stock of your daily routine, are you getting enough sleep, exercise, eating, and hydrating enough?

2. Good Health Behaviors: After taking stock, pick an area to improve, such as getting more exercise or eating more vegetables. COVID-19 may make you feel like you have lost control. Eating well and other self-care is something we can all control.

3. Be Aware of Your Tension Level: The effects of stress can appear mentally, emotionally, and physically. Watch out for common signs, like headaches, upset stomach, or difficulty sleeping.

4. Stay In Touch With Your Emotions: These are stressful times. You may feel fear, sadness, and frustration. These are valid feelings.

5. Compassion: Everyone is trying their best in a situation none of us have ever encountered. Everyone is doing the best they can. Respect and patience are key.

6. Maintain Connections: Social distance is not the same as social isolation. It’s important to keep in touch with family and friends. Keeping in touch by telephone or on social medial platforms can be a good thing.

7. Alone Time: There could be more people at home than usual. Finding a place for quiet time is important.

8. News Overload: Staying informed is good, being overloaded with constant news media stories about COVID-19 is not. Pick a source of information you trust and listen to it when you choose.

9. Stay Positive: Even in tragedy, the good stories come out. Look for those to stay motivated. Share good stories. 10 Stay Cool: Stress puts the sympathetic nervous system on heightened alert. This can affect mood, blood pressure, and other body functions. Meditation and relaxation can help.

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