When you invest in an ATC Healthcare staffing franchise, you decide how franchise ownership will look for you. One of those options includes the owner-operator franchise model. Read on to discover some of the benefits of being the owner-operator of your ATC Healthcare staffing agency franchise and take a look at other franchise ownership options.

Owner-Operators Build Personal Relationships with Clients

If you choose to operate your ATC Healthcare, you will have the opportunity to personally connect with your clients and build the relationships that will build your staffing agency franchise. Many of our owner-operators choose to be the team member who contacts healthcare staffing decision-makers and implements our proven sales strategies.

Because ATC Healthcare franchises always provide the perfect healthcare associate for their clients’ open positions, our franchise partners often earn repeat business. Over time, these professional interactions will become personal relationships. When you own and operate your staffing agency franchise, you get to enjoy growing your professional network for your business, and for yourself.

Manage Your Team in a Hands-On Way

Being a hands-on owner-operator gives you an opportunity to use the management skills you’ve already gained in your career. But this time, you will be using them to build your own legacy—not someone else’s. By directly managing your team, you will have a deep understanding of the daily operations of your staffing agency franchise.

Most ATC Healthcare franchises consist of staffing professionals, administrative staff and sales associates, although being an owner-operator often eliminates the need to have additional sales staff on payroll.

Lead Your Staffing Agency Franchise to Meet Its Goals

Like any staffing franchise opportunity, ATC Healthcare works with franchise partners to establish goals, timelines and KPIs for the growth of your staffing agency franchise. As an owner-operator you will be able to make sure you are on track to meet those goals based on daily operations you see for yourself, not by receiving a weekly or monthly report.

You’ll be able to make real-time adjustments to sales strategies, short-term goals and healthcare associate hiring criteria. Being an owner-operator will allow your business to quickly respond to—and capitalize on—sudden industry changes or words of wisdom from the ATC Healthcare corporate team. A quick response time will allow you to keep your business on track to meeting (or exceeding!) our franchise expectations.

There Are Other Franchise Model Options

At ATC Healthcare, we understand that an owner-operator franchise model isn’t right for everyone. That’s why our staffing franchise opportunity is also looking for entrepreneurs interested in semi-absentee ownership, area development or other investment models. During the early stages of mutual evaluation, we will lend our expertise to help you discover the franchise model that will work for you and your desired lifestyle.

The ATC Healthcare staffing agency franchise opportunity is excited to welcome new owner-operators to our system, but if you aren’t looking to be an owner-operator franchise partner, there is an ATC Healthcare franchise model that could be the perfect franchise fit for you. Reach out to our franchise development team for more information regarding ATC Healthcare franchise models.