
Spring Season Means Nursing Conference Season!

Mar 22, 2018

If you are on the fence about attending a nursing conference – take the leap – there are many beneficial reasons to do this. Of course, there is the obvious one – the continuing education credits. But, conferences are a great way to meet the licensing requirements and to learn something new, as well. To go further beyond the obvious, there is also the networking opportunity. There is nothing better than sharing experiences with your peers from other parts of the country. 

Often, when nurses get a job they tend to stay in the same hospital for years, and while this isn’t a bad thing, it makes it easy to fall into the trap of thinking there is only one way to do a job. Attending education sessions, visiting with colleagues and interacting with the exhibitors can be eye-opening. There is no better place to learn and to move than at a convention. Nursing organizations like the American Nurses Association and the National League of Nurses have lots of committees and sponsor sessions.

This is your chance to get involved, meet the current movers and shakers, and take your place. Another great thing about attending an annual meeting is bringing what you learn back to your colleagues at home, what you share can improve your job performance, your colleague’s education and patient care agendas. And, don’t dismiss this very personal reason for going to a conference – have a little fun!

Being a nurse can sometimes be a stressful and depressing job. You deserve a break for yourself to relax and enjoy what the local area has to offer. Hope to see you at a conference soon.


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